Portrait by Nathan Ullman


Han Nguyen | 18 | Vietnam. I am a Capricorn mixed with Sagittarius. Life is good and I laugh a lot. You need to know that about me before we make a start. You need to know that as I look at my life I see there is much that is beautiful and much that is good. I believe in God and I know that He has everything planed in mind so I never worry about anything for more than a day. I have a memorably funny voice; very distinct. I love that. I love Phở, bún bò huế as well. Mì quảng is also very good. But I would say Bột Chiên and gỏi khô bò are my favorite. Pretzel and Mozzarella sticks, Cheesecake are the three most awesome American things. I like pink, hot pink. I think my hair is my best feature. I like photography and playing the guitar although I suck at it. I am incurably optimistic. Songs with meaningful lyrics completes me. I speak Vietnamese and English and of course sarcasm. I prefer Pepsi to CocaCola. Subway and jimmy john are equally good in my opinion. I love Big Bang Theory , I love Sheldon Cooper and every word comes from his mouth. I would rather watch than read. I Google before asking. I love taking picture of myself and post it on FaceBook every other day but I also know that mean “hey I am lonely I got nothing to do and my life is pathetic.” I crunch paper when throwing it away. I check Facebook constantly. I have an excellent daddy. My mom is the prettiest lady. My sister is uncool, but it’s alright! I have sixteen aunts and uncles I can count on. There are nineteen cousins who always got my back. Chi Nguyen is awesome; she’s my BBF (BBF stands for Before-Birthday Friend). They all are a huge part of my life. I am a daughter, sister, student and a friend. Oh, I love talking about myself. Today is the best day!

Creative Statement

Haven’t you heard? I'm a Super Girl. You don't want to mess with me. I am fascinated by being able to multi-task. I love exploring and doing a lot of different things. Why am I in New Media? Because I want to find out what it actually is! It is not even my major but it sounds interesting to me. I also want to develop my passion for photography and filming. Creativity comes to me once in a while. Boredpanda.com and Google are places I would visit to seek for inspirations. Most of my projects are either black and white or very colorful. My work deals with variety of ideas: from family, nature, animals, different styles of fashion to every little interesting thing I can find around me like pen, pencil, nail polish…I am surprised at how far one small trivial thing can sometimes take me. For me, creativity is a key to success whether it is science, math, literature or new media. I am still on the path trying to discover myself and identify my pattern/track/career/style/custom/theme/idiosyncrasy. Hopefully, I will figure it out soon but for now I am simply and proudly myself. I am blessed with so much of God’s grace that is far more than I deserve.
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